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Showing posts from September, 2015

Configuring Ninject, Asp.Net Identity UserManager, DataProtectorTokenProvider with Owin

It can be bit tricky to configure both Ninject and Asp.Net Identity UserManager if some value is expected from DI to configure UserManager. We will look into configuring both and also use OwinContext to get UserManager. As usual, all configuration need to be done on Startup.cs. It is just a convention but can be used with different name, the important thing is to decorate class with following attribute to make it Owin start-up: [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(MyProject.Web.Startup))] Ninject configuration Configuring Ninject kernel through method which would be used to register under Owin. Startup.cs public IKernel CreateKernel() { var kernel = new StandardKernel(); try { //kernel.Bind<IHttpModule>().To<HttpApplicationInitializationHttpModule>(); // TODO: Put any other injection which are required. return kernel; } catch { kernel.Dispose(); thro...