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Showing posts from August, 2018

Channel, ChannelReader and ChannelWriter to manage data streams in multi-threading environment

I came across Channel class while working with SignalR which looks really interesting. By looking into NuGet packages ( ), it seems just 4 months old. The Channel class provides infrastructure to have multiple reads and write simuletensely through it's Reader and Writer properties. This is where it is handy in case of SignalR where data streaming needs to be done but is not just limited to that but wherever something needs to be read/write/combination of both in a multi-threading environment. In my case with SignalR, I had to stream stock data at a regular interval of time. public ChannelReader<StockData> StreamStock() { var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<StockData>(); _stockManager.OnStockData = stockData => { channel.Writer.TryWrite(stockData); }; return channel.Reader; } The SignalR keeps return type of ChannelReader<StockData> open so that whatev...