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Showing posts from November, 2016

Data seed for the application with EF, MongoDB or any other ORM.

Most of ORMs has moved to Code first approach where everything is derived/initialized from codes rather than DB side. In this situation, it is better to set data through codes only. We would be looking through simple technique where we would be Seeding data through Codes. I would be using UnitOfWork and Repository pattern for implementing Data Seeding technique. This can be applied to any data source MongoDB, EF, or any other ORM or DB. Things we would be doing. - Creating a base class for easy usage. - Interface for Seed function for any future enhancements. - Individual seed classes. - Configuration to call all seeds. - AspNet core configuration to Seed data through Seed configuration. Creating a base class for easy usage public abstract class BaseSeed<TModel> where TModel : class { protected readonly IMyProjectUnitOfWork MyProjectUnitOfWork; public BaseSeed(IMyProjectUnitOfWork MyProjectUnitOfWork) { ...